
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Last month, the mainland non-manufacturing PMI fell to 57.7

Last month, the mainland non-manufacturing PMI fell to 57.7 Mainland Federation of Logistics and Purchasing (CFLP) announced in October China non-manufacturing PMI fell to 57.7, down 1.6 on a monthly basis. Among the more robust consumer demand, but production and construction demand will tend to fall. The individual index, new export orders index rose a monthly 0.7 percentage points to 50.4%, the supplier delivery time index also edged up. But the rest of the index fell back on a monthly basis, prices of intermediate inputs ...Last month, the mainland non-manufacturing PMI fell to 57.7


中国北车首获风电整机订单 中国北车股份有限公司(中国北车,601299)昨日在其网站上称,旗下北车风电公司与烟台市一家风电开发企业签订了价值1.87亿元的整机销售合同。这是中国北车获得的第一批风电整机订单。中国北车称,目前北车风电公司正与 ... 中国北车首获风电整机订单

البنك الأهلي يستعد للعيد عبر 33 فرعاً و1655 صرافاً آلياً

البنك الأهلي يستعد للعيد عبر 33 فرعاً و1655 صرافاً آلياً أعلن البنك الأهلي عن إكمال استعدادته الفنية والبشرية لمواجهة التزاماته تجاه خدمة عملائه وفي مقدمتها عمليات الصرف الآلي المتوقعة خلال إجازة عيد الأضحى المبارك التي ستبدأ اعتباراً من يوم السبت الموافق 9 ذو الحجة وتنتهي يوم الأربعاء 13 ذو الحجة. ... البنك الأهلي يستعد للعيد عبر 33 فرعاً و1655 صرافاً آلياً

Lotte Mart, "go with the small and medium-sized enterprises in China find"

Lotte Mart, "go with the small and medium-sized enterprises in China find" Asian economies yiyunjae reporter] to China with Lotte Mart seeks to enter the small and medium enterprises. 3 days with Lotte Mart, the Small Business Administration supports international expansion with starting a business, and domestic good companies to small and medium-size businesses looking for hope as announced. Companies hope to grow with the 15 Lotte Mart ...Lotte Mart, "go with the small and medium-sized enterprises in China find"

Derrotado pelo Bayern, Napoli perde vice-liderança para o Manchester City

Derrotado pelo Bayern, Napoli perde vice-liderança para o Manchester City O arrasador Bayern de Munique fez mais uma vítima nesta quarta-feira, quando derrotou o Napoli por 3 a 2 com três gols marcados por Mario Gomez, na Allianz Arena, e se consolidou na liderança do Grupo A da Liga dos Campeões da Europa com um futebol ... Derrotado pelo Bayern, Napoli perde vice-liderança para o Manchester City

"בריטניה מאיצה את ההכנות לתקיפה באירן"

"בריטניה מאיצה את ההכנות לתקיפה באירן" ה"גרדיאן" הבריטי מצטרף לגל הדיווחים סביב תקיפה אפשרית של מתקני הגרעין באירן, ומדווח כי הצבא הבריטי כבר החל להיערך למתקפה אמריקנית על טהרן. על פי הדיווח, המתקפה הפוטנציאלית תכלול מתקפת טילים על שורה של יעדים אירניים מהאוויר ומהים. "אחרי שסיימנו עם לוב, ... "בריטניה מאיצה את ההכנות לתקיפה באירן"

Bamboo forest devastation, residents and maintenance of Kanazawa, in the model at three

Bamboo forest devastation, residents and maintenance of Kanazawa, in the model at three Kanazawa, embark on the development of bamboo forests devastated in cooperation with local residents at three of the city. For many years, cut down the forests to breed Mousouchiku abandoned, to suppress the infestation of the wildlife such as bears and wild boars and landscape improvement. 3 days, the volunteers work with local officials in the town Kanazawa Forestry Association as the first 月浦. ...Bamboo forest devastation, residents and maintenance of Kanazawa, in the model at three

Dos nuevos barcos zarparon de Turquía para intentar romper el bloqueo a Gaza

Dos nuevos barcos zarparon de Turquía para intentar romper el bloqueo a Gaza Dos barcos, uno canadiense y otro irlandés, han partido de Turquía y se encuentran en aguas internacionales con la intención de romper el próximo viernes el bloqueo israelí a la franja de Gaza, informaron hoy los organizadores. ... Dos nuevos barcos zarparon de Turquía para intentar romper el bloqueo a Gaza

La situación de municipios complica

La situación de municipios complica Queda prohibida la reproducción, distribución, puesta a disposición, comunicación pública y utilización, total o parcial, de los contenidos de esta web, en cualquier forma o modalidad, sin previa, expresa y escrita autorización, incluyendo, ... La situación de municipios complica

This year's # 1 hit in 2011

This year's # 1 hit in 2011 Top 30 was announced today hit this year from October to September last year compiled by Nikkei BP. For winning first place, which many people now in their hands, "smart" is. Rankings were announced today the 2011 hit every year choose Nikkei BP in sales and influence each week.This year's # 1 hit in 2011

보험사 '약관대출' 가산금리 내리기로

보험사 '약관대출' 가산금리 내리기로 [한겨레] 정혁준 기자 보험사들이 금리확정형 보험약관대출의 가산금리를 내리기로 했다. 이에 따라 40조원에 이르는 약관대출 이용자들의 이자 부담이 수천억원 줄어들 전망이다. 2일 생명보험협회와 손해보험협회의 말을 종합하면, 일부 보험사들은 금리확정형 보 ... 보험사 '약관대출' 가산금리 내리기로

皇马去年主力如今只能替补 厄齐尔你怎么了?

皇马去年主力如今只能替补 厄齐尔你怎么了? "厄齐尔怎么了?"周二的《马卡报》提出了这样的疑问。对皇家社会的比赛,厄齐尔再次表现糟糕,这引发了人们对他的状态的担忧,本赛季,厄齐尔只踢了一场完整的比赛,即超级杯对巴萨的第一回合,在那场比赛中,他也打入了本 ... 皇马去年主力如今只能替补 厄齐尔你怎么了?

Kim Jang-hoon, the first overseas concert, Shanghai, China 5 cheonseok scale.

Kim Jang-hoon, the first overseas concert, Shanghai, China 5 cheonseok scale. Kim Jang-hoon of the February 18, 2012, Shanghai, China jangnyeonggugukjecheyukjungsim 5000 Suk Kyu Mock Gym International has an exclusive concert. This is the opening of the first international konseoteuda Kim Jang-hoon. Jangnyeonggugukjejungsimcheyukgwaneun Beyonce, Abba, and many other starring Hallyu singers is one of Shanghai's major venues.Kim Jang-hoon, the first overseas concert, Shanghai, China 5 cheonseok scale.

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