
Monday, November 14, 2011

Mario Monti auf dem Weg zur Regierungsbildung

Mario Monti auf dem Weg zur Regierungsbildung Rom - Der designierte italienische Regierungschef Mario Monti hat die wichtigsten politischen und sozialen Kräfte des Landes hinter sich und ist auf dem Weg zur Bildung einer Notregierung. Nach Konsultationen will der frühere EU-Kommissar heute ... Mario Monti auf dem Weg zur Regierungsbildung


分设南北数据中心:个人住房信息系统现雏形 [提要]目前,长三角的上海、杭州、南京、宁波、温州、苏州、无锡等地的个人住房信息,大部分已先后联入住建部系统。住建部在成都和北京各设有一个住房信息数据分析中心,40个城市根据不同的地域并入这个两个数据中心。 备受 ... 分设南北数据中心:个人住房信息系统现雏形

Rechter: geen tenten in Zuccotti Park

Rechter: geen tenten in Zuccotti Park De betogers van Occupy Wall Street in New York mogen hun tenten, slaapzakken, dekzeilen en andere omvangrijke spullen niet meer meenemen bij hun protest in Zuccotti Park in het zuiden van Manhattan. Dat heeft een rechter in New York bepaald. ... Rechter: geen tenten in Zuccotti Park

Rajasthan cabinet quits en masse

Rajasthan cabinet quits en masse JAIPUR/NEW DELHI: Anxious about growing public perception that Rajasthan is suffering a governance deficit, CM Ashok Gehlot on Tuesday, prompted by the Congress leadership, got the resignation of his entire council of ministers to carry out a reshuffle ... Rajasthan cabinet quits en masse

Newt Gingrich: Voters Have 'Got To Come To Their Own Judgment' About Affairs ...

Newt Gingrich: Voters Have 'Got To Come To Their Own Judgment' About Affairs ... Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich recently addressed his rocky private life, saying that voters would have "to come to their own judgment" about his past affairs and divorces. Gingrich is currently married to his third wife, Callista, ... Newt Gingrich: Voters Have 'Got To Come To Their Own Judgment' About Affairs ...


走出欧债危机至少需2至3年 近一段时间以来,围绕愈演愈烈的债务危机,欧盟、欧元区、欧洲央行以及各成员国政府采取了多项应对措施。记者近日专访了奥地利央行欧洲事务及国际金融机构部门主管弗朗茨·瑙什尼克(Franz Nauschingg),请他就欧洲央行 ... 走出欧债危机至少需2至3年

Síria liberta mais de mil opositores, mas mantém repressão

Síria liberta mais de mil opositores, mas mantém repressão DAMASCO e BEIRUTE - A TV estatal síria anunciou nesta terça-feira a libertação de mais de mil detidos durante manifestações contra o governo Bashar al-Assad. Apesar do gesto e da crescente pressão internacional, o regime mantém a repressão e, ... Síria liberta mais de mil opositores, mas mantém repressão

U.S. Stock Futures Drop as Spanish Yields Rise; Wal-Mart Slumps

U.S. Stock Futures Drop as Spanish Yields Rise; Wal-Mart Slumps AP Exclusive: Lost JFK assassination tapes on sale 11.15.11 Nov. 15 (Bloomberg) -- US stock futures fell, indicating the Standard & Poor's 500 Index will drop a second day, as an increase in Spanish yields and higher costs of insuring French bonds ... U.S. Stock Futures Drop as Spanish Yields Rise; Wal-Mart Slumps

Мещанский суд оставил без удовлетворения иск прокурора к экс-коллеге Магнитского

Мещанский суд оставил без удовлетворения иск прокурора к экс-коллеге Магнитского Мещанский суд столицы во вторник оставил без удовлетворения иск сотрудника генпрокуратуры Андрея Печегина о защите чести и достоинства к бывшему коллеге сотрудника инвестфонда Hermitage Capital Сергея Магнитского — Джемисону Файерстоуну, ... Мещанский суд оставил без удовлетворения иск прокурора к экс-коллеге Магнитского

Live: Rep of Ireland v Estonia

Live: Rep of Ireland v Estonia All thoughts and comments welcome to or #rtesoccer on Twitter. Also join in the conversation on Facebook at 1415 Good afternoon. We're back for some more play-off action - albeit a bit more ... Live: Rep of Ireland v Estonia

Musikdienst Spotify startet in Österreich

Musikdienst Spotify startet in Österreich WIEN. Der Internetmusikdienst Spotify gilt als Hoffnungsträger der Musikbranche: Spotify ermöglicht den kostenlosen und dennoch legalen Zugriff auf eine Bibliothek von 16 Millionen Titeln. Seit Dienstag ist Spotify auch für Österreich freigeschaltet. ... Musikdienst Spotify startet in Österreich

Dallas Cowboys Star Jay Ratliff to Judge: I Want to Be Involved in My Child's Life

Dallas Cowboys Star Jay Ratliff to Judge: I Want to Be Involved in My Child's LifeDallas Cowboys Star Jay Ratliff to Judge: I Want to Be Involved in My Child's Life Dallas Cowboys defensive stud Jay Ratliff wants a judge to know ... he's willing to put in the time and the money to be a great father to his newborn son ... but he thinks his baby mama is trying to take advantage of his big, fat bank account. ... Dallas Cowboys Star Jay Ratliff to Judge: I Want to Be Involved in My Child's Life

Libija sekmadienį planuoja paskelbti naują vyriausybę

Libija sekmadienį planuoja paskelbti naują vyriausybę Libijos Laikinoji nacionalinė taryba (LNT) pranešė, kad sekmadienį tikriausiai bus paskelbta nauja šalies vyriausybė, kuriai vadovaus laikinasis premjeras Abdurrahimas al Keibas. ARal Keibas „ateinančią savaitę pristatys vyriausybės sudėtį LNT ... Libija sekmadienį planuoja paskelbti naują vyriausybę

一年央票收益率大降非降息信号 降准备金可能大

一年央票收益率大降非降息信号 降准备金可能大 路透北京11月15日电中国央行公开市场一年期央票中标收益率意外大降,令市场揣测纷纷.不过分析人士指出,因一二级市场存在利差空间,机构需求强劲推动该期限央票发行利率再下一城,而并非传递央行降息的信号. 他们并 ... 一年央票收益率大降非降息信号 降准备金可能大

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